National Plant Health Week

National Plant Health Week is an annual designated week of action to raise public awareness and engagement on how to keep our plants healthy.

It is a collaborative effort by over 30 organisations across the UK who are committed to protect the health of our nation’s plants and trees. This year we are celebrating the importance of being a good plant health citizen. Over the last 10 years we have undertaken a range of activities to support this work, which includes education, training, and citizen science work. With an emphasis on working together, the participants can reach a larger audience and more effectively communicate and amplify vital messages surrounding plant health. The week also incorporates the United Nations International Day of Plant Health.


Heathwood Nurseries are approved under the UK Plant Healthy Scheme

Heathwood Nurseries - Actively encouraging biosecurity in UK woods and forests..more

How you can help - Plant Health Week

We can all help by taking good plant health into account in our own gardens simply by being alert to biosecurity

Look Out For Pests

If you notice persts and disesases in your local report to TreeAlert

Keep It Clean

Clean boots, bikes and buggies when visiting woodland - avoid spreading harmful organisms like fungi, bacteria and insects

Buy From Plant Healthy Certified Supplier

Heathwood Nurseries are a certified supplier

For more information go to Plant Health Scheme